Specialized In The Research And理議 Development Of Biotechnology And Rel刀土ated Products

Neogene Drug Forensics路些
Drug Forensics use basic pr麗工inciples and technical me公吃thods of modern instrumental明船 analysis, qualitative and qua火的ntitative analysis of unknown分少 drugs and metabolites, issuin鄉人g comprehensive identificat謝技ion of the types and co頻技ntents of drugs. Drug Forensics pr爸路ovides judicial basis in determi請看ning drug crimes, and whet舞現her individuals are taking 朋聽drugs or driving with drug abuse 這水history.

 items of Drug Forensics

1.Qualitative analysis 員車of drug screening

2.Identification of drug specie資紙s in fluids and tissues of huma爸紅n body.
3.Determination of c樹信ontent in samples for 又理inspection

4.Detection of drug or drug對在 raw materials and semi-fi學拍nished products in industrial fin這時ished products, 店厭

semi-finished product銀慢s, raw materials and白書 emissions

Principle of Drug Forensic器妹s

The hair samples are washed, freeze-g就看round, and extracted現這 by methanol sonication a煙輛nd detected by liquid chromat媽都ography tandem mass spectrometry in 老得multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mod那話e. Qualitative analysis are p件唱erformed with the blank sample and短靜 the added sample in 能水parallel with the reten個師tion time, mass spectrom視東etry characteristic frag現家ment ion peak and ion relative日朋 abundance ratio.

LOD (limit of detecti車他on) of 15 drugs and metabolites i嗎土n hair

屏幕快照 2020-01-02 下(xià)午4.09.21
