Specialized In The Research 外坐And Development Of Biotechnology And R這日elated Products

Portable Hair Drug Rapid Detector
Neogene established a qu海現antitative detection sys票聽tem for drug detection 路好based on integration of quantum do少唱t fluorescent immunoassay and 綠對fluorescent detection technol雨中ogy. Single-channel det船南ection can detect th從空e corresponding items as n姐就eeded, reducing the inspection呢友 cost. It's appicable to fixed那他 places such as vario唱店us drug rehabilitation centres門雪, drug rehabilitation hospital廠我s, and police statio線吃ns.
 Technical Features:

1)  Quick Detection:&n對花bsp;Hair splitting in 2 minutes, drug就做 testing in 3 minutes, with total dete現多ction time in 5 minutes. 

2)  High Detection Accuracy哥姐: 0.2ng/mg, in line with th章靜e standard of the Minist得靜ry of Public Security.

3)  Multiple Detectab北不le Drugs: Heroin, morphine弟間, methamphetamine, ketamine, 6-monoacet務筆ylmorphine, methcathinone, ecstasy間們 (MDMA), acetyl fentanyl, 作答benzodiazepine (flunitrazepam), 山家caffeine and many other drugs, as wel她些l as morphine/methamphetamine mixe鐘錯d drugs, morphine/ methamphetami生懂ne /ketamine mixed drugs.

4)  Little Cr如做oss Reaction: L新店ittle cross reaction近低 with methoxyphenamine吧草, pseudoephedrine, e見我tc. contained in medic吃市ine.

5)  Strong Thermal Sta湖請bility: Tolerance t慢資o 45℃ for kit and hair lys微電ate.

6)   船拿Strong Versatility: hair lysate姐這 is highly versatile, multiple 畫劇drugs can be detected at t呢吧he same time with merely 關文one time hair splitting process v大土ia hair lysate.

